Anyone looking into mature dating in London should perhaps make a quick note of the results of a new survey revealing some of the biggest deal breakers for men and women currently on the dating scene.Carried out by scientists at Rutgers University, Singapore Management University, the University of Florida, Indiana University and Western Sydney University, the study found that the biggest deal breaker for both men and women was the other person being unclean or dishevelled, followed by being too needy and by being lazy. Others included lacking a sense of humour, low sex drives, talking too much and bad sex, as well as being untrustworthy, dating more than one person and having anger issues.The study found that there are fewer deal breakers where short term partners are concerned, with Gregory Webster of the University of Florida: "Basically, for short-term partners, if they have a toothbrush, they're good to go."It's always nice to give someone a chance - after all, you never know when or where you're going to find love - but be mindful that you need to be honest with yourself about what you can and can't put up with.Relationship red flags at the beginning are a warning and should be taken as such. You don't want to be in the wrong relationship for months or even years just because you didn't admit to yourself that those character quirks were actually very annoying and not something you could actually live with.You should avoid settling for a partner at all costs. Even if it means being single for longer, it's important that you wait until you meet the partner who's right for you in every way.