
Online Dating - Which? Report

April 30th, 2009 | By Elect Club
Online Dating - Which? Report

Online dating satisfaction is low

Which? reports what we've been hearing for the last year or so from our members!

It says... Online dating satisfaction is low

Unfortunately, despite the popularity of online dating, users of online dating sites do not rate any online dating provider highly enough to warrant Which? Best Buy status. The average Which? customer score for online dating sites was just 46%. Even the highest-scoring supplier – Fit Lads with 59% – was quite low compared to user satisfaction levels for other industries' in comparison with our, elect club's satisfaction rate of 86% from our exit surveys. So why is online dating disappointing the masses? I would say a number of contributory factors, namely the high competition- for the girls, there's always someone prettier than you, distracting the men with a bikini or photo-shopped shot. For the men there's the oiled six-pack, too-good-to be true profile or exploitation of a puppy dog (as a recent owner, i say, shame on you!) An online profile is the ultimate marketing challenge - gone are the days of 'a clear' head shot and a brief profile - you may as well submit a photocopy of your bottom and an ancient Hebrew manuscript for all the good that will do you! Another factor is the timing issue. Online - there is such a perceived abundance, people can dip in and dip out (sometimes literally!) whenever they feel like it. An inbox can be full with the right words and a Hollywood photo but the rest of the experience is often empty. A week's worth of online dating can make the 'subject' feel like they've been round the world and back screaming 'is there anyone [for me] out there?!' Of course it works for some people, as does The Atkins diet, but i certainly wouldn't rely on it!