
How to Make Happiness Your New Year's Resolution

December 14th, 2022 | By Trelawney

As 2022 draws to a close, there is one thing we can all agree on... it has been a challenge!

Many of us have been tested in numerous ways. We have often had to dig deep for hope. But, with glistening, fresh snow covering the ground and dancing fairy lights bringing a little magic to dark winter nights, we are feeling ready to embrace positive change.

It is time to re-set.

Change has to start within each one of us.

In 2023, make finding happiness your personal goal.

It Starts with Giving Thanks

Start with gratitude for the small things - golden sunrises; the aroma of your favourite coffee beans; a friend asking, 'How was your day?'

As you start to fill up on gratitude, you will find that your mind naturally moves towards how to bring even more wonderful things into your daily experience. Remember gratitude = positive change.

When someone lets you down or you feel affronted, tell yourself to be grateful for the lesson. In your worst moments, thank the universe for pushing you towards growth.

Open Your Heart

When it comes to opening your heart to genuine love, you are not alone. Our members are professional, attractive single men and women who are looking for a soulmate. Let our Personal Matchmakers help you to find your perfect match to add a very special kind of happiness to 2023!

Peace of Mind

All of our members are personally interviewed by one of our dating experts, prior to acceptance. As one of the UK's most safety conscious offline dating agencies, your safety is our priority. Joining us enables you to start your 2023 dating journey with absolute peace of mind.

If you are genuinely single and looking for love, our friendly Membership Advisers would love to talk to you about how we can help. Get in touch today!

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