Just because happy ever after didn’t work the first time out of the gate, it doesn’t mean that taking advice from the top dating coach London has to offer won’t see you end up with the man or woman of your dreams. However, dating after divorce delivers its own challenges, so here are some things to think about when planning your next date.Don’t date while heartbrokenWhile your friends might tell you to dust yourself and get back on the horse, ask yourself if you’re ready to get back out there. If you still feel pretty miserable, you’re not going to bring you’re A-game to your date, and could waste an opportunity with a great person, which is only sure to make you feel worse. In time, you’ll be back in a great head space, and ready to take on the world as a single man or woman.Think about your conversation topicsWhile it’s great to be honest about your life and your story up to now, don’t spend the whole date talking about your children, or your ex. A first date is all about you and your companion, so be sure to share and engage on each other’s passions in life.Know what you’re looking forDating after divorce is a great way to get back out there and meet new people – and sometimes someone to spend some time with is exactly what you need. This may or may not evolve into something romantic going forward, but knowing exactly what you’re looking for from your date is a great first step to stop either party getting hurt.