If ever there was a time for a London matchmaker, this would certainly appear to be it. We’ve just read that an astounding 70 per cent of you have been on at least four unsuccessful dates in the past 12 months, with 40 per cent feeling out of pocket as a result. The TopCashback.co.uk survey found that 44 per cent believe they’ve spent too much money on dates that haven’t gone well, with an additional 45 per cent seeing this cash as wasted money. The average date apparently costs £70, with £25 spent in preparation (pampering sessions, new clothes and the like), £35 on the actual date itself and a further £10 on hanging out with friends afterwards to discuss the evening. In all, it seems that some £280 a year is spent on bad dates by singletons looking for love. With all these facts and figures in mind, it might be a better idea to sign up to a matchmaking service like Elect Club so that professional dating experts can help you find the one. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to find love and feeling like you’re being thwarted at every turn. Luckily, there are people out there who can help, like the Elect Club team who provide coaching programmes to help you make more out of your relationships. We’ve been running for more than a decade and our costs are some of the lowest for all such services in the UK. If you’re keen to find that special someone, tap into our huge network of single professionals today.
70% Have Been On ‘At Least’ 4 Bad Dates In 12 Months!
February 8th, 2016 | By Trelawney Kerigan