
Want to Meet Your Soulmate? Start with Self-Love! Here's How...

October 6th, 2022 | By Trelawney

Self-love is something that can take decades to form. Whilst it may sound complex, in reality self-love simply means accepting yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is forgiving yourself for the mistakes you've made. It is letting go of past hurt free of blame and accepting that not everything in life - including relationships - works out the way we expect it to.

The most important thing to understand about failure is that it opens a new door to success. If human beings didn't fail, we would not grow. Self-love is about feeling comfortable in your own skin and feeling grateful for your journey so far.

Let's be clear on one important element of self-love; no-one feels great about themselves 100 per cent of the time. You will have days that are filled with more downs than ups and you will feel the need to question your own judgement and responses. Accepting this is all part of the process.

So, how is self-love connected to building new relationships?

Close your eyes and imagine meeting a new person who is completely at ease with themselves.

A person who carries no emotional baggage.

A person who can say, okay things have not always been perfect but I am grateful for who I am and the life I have lived.

Now, imagine meeting a new person who is tied up in emotional knots about who they are and the negative past events they have experienced.

A person who cannot welcome you into their heart because they do not yet love themselves.

A person who says, I am not good enough.

How much more comfortable did you feel with the person who has mastered the art of self-love?

At Elect, we encourage our members to go through the day-to-day motions of life with glorious self-acceptance. Of course, we all have elements of ourselves that we can work on in order to grow as people, but this can be acknowledged and actioned with respect and love.

Our culture is built around nurturing wonderful relationships with ourselves and others. This is why you will find our memberships different to alternative dating agencies. We offer sessions with expert dating coaches alongside the services of an experienced and professional matchmaker.

We would love to talk to you today about how we can help to find your soul-mate and fall in love with yourself!

Get in touch to find out what our memberships can do for you!

One of our membership advisers will get in touch with you to go through your options.