When it comes to dating us Matchmakers at Elect Club think we have it all figured out. We talk to our single clients about testing the waters, having a pre-date before the actual date and timing it in perfectly to ensure there is always a second date after get-together numero uno. Well it came as a shock when our Head of Matchmaking Membership at our London Dating Agency, Sarah Ryan, interviewed one of London’s most eligible bachelors- by accident! Here’s the truth behind the perfect first date… As a Matchmaker you literally cannot go to any function, family occasion or Starbucks for your Frappuccino without someone finding out about what you do and wanting to know plenty more. So over a very civilised-ish corporate candlelit dinner talking business the conversation turned to love-lives, dating and the differences in dating across the globe with this group of high-fliers it all got very interesting. They couldn’t help but asking what a matchmaker does, how often and how many marriages, babies and break-ups. It’s nothing unusual as any matchmaker will tell you and four years into the industry I’ve seen my fair share of the trials and tribulations of the dating world. After spreading the matchmaking word, a glass or perhaps three in, I thought it was my time to turn the tables and ask “so whatdoes make the perfect date?” (to said Bachelor giving me the Spanish inquisition). Josh*, a born and bred early 30’s Londoner, proclaimed over our dinner in NYC that his favourite place to date in the world is London. Jet setting between London, NYC, LA and Israel this catch had the absolute low down on how to treat a lady and the only place to do it is in London. I had to hear more. “So date night would start with a cocktail or two at The Ham Yard or somewhere equally as Soho trendy for light-hearted chat and getting to know each other a little better.” A trendy hangout I surely would agree, if you can get a seat but definitely a great way to ease into a date with a fab atmosphere anyone can testify to. Josh continues to tell me “the date doesn’t stop there for me- if there’s chemistry, good conversation and a need-to-know more kind of attitude – we’re going for dinner”. Well there you have it- another gent that has emotionally invested in the notion of food on the first get-together. Phew! Ladies you can relax- there are certain men that are totally cool about it all. He goes on to tell me “La Bodega Negra- a perfect spot for a small bite- it’s relaxed, you can share food and a little bit edgy”. At this point Josh tells me how this is absolutely the perfect way to spend an evening. I suggest this is a long night- but wait; he hasn’t finished. “If we get on like a house on fire I will have already called The Box in advance, if it’s not a school night to reserve a space; so she feels like a VIP”. Well that’s it ladies I was blown away- the whole nine yards- no pre-date, the full eligible London bachelor experience. I questioned for a moment if this is too much for a first date for someone seriously looking for love longer than an evening. He insists he is serious he wants someone to marry, travel the world with, build a family and have it all with. I totally am in agreement that anyone should be able to have it all- but I am still questioning- all in one night?! Either way if we agree or not this is a man who knows what he wants, has thoroughly got an action plan in place for a date and certainly a lot longer. I am impressed, l also love how dating is a fun part of life not a chore to this chap but I won’t be re-visiting our pre-date ‘rule book’ any time soon. By Sarah Ryan
Matchmaker Interview: A London Bachelor Describes The ‘perfect Date’
July 7th, 2015 | By Elect Club